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Agapanthus praecox
Watsonia densiflora
Lions Ridge and Tendele Camp
The hillside behind our chalet
On the road
Greater Double-collared Sunbird (Cinnyris afer)
Swee Waxbill (Estrilda melanotis)
Garden Bulbul (Pycnonotus barbatus)
Memory benches
Mountain Ridges below Amphitheatre
Flower near the pathway
Pathway to Tugella Gorge
Tugella Gorge Trail
Royal Natal National Park
Chorister Robin-chat (Cossypha dichroa)
Helmeted Guineafowl (Numida meleagris)
Red-winged Starling (Onychognathus morio)
Amhitheatre - weather changes III
Amhitheatre - weather changes II
Amhitheatre - weather changes I
Merwilla plumbea
Cape weaver (Ploceus capensis)
Tugella Gorge Trail
Greater Double-collared Sunbird (Cinnyris afer)
Perfect Kirkman´s Kamp
Crowned Lapwing (Vanellus armatus)
Natal Francolin (Francolinus natalensis)
Ground Hornbill (Bucorvus leadbeateri)
Grey Go-away-bird (Corythaixoides concolor)


Tahiti - dancing evening

20 fotografií

Island Moorea

56 fotografií

Prague and outskirts

5 fotografií

Labské pískovce

15 fotografií

Králický Sněžník

24 fotografií

Along Sazava river

23 fotografií

Andes volcanos - south

53 fotografií

Galapagos - Genovesa

45 fotografií

North Andas - Cloud Forest

41 fotografií

Galapagos - Smaller islands

54 fotografií

Galapagos - Floreana

30 fotografií

Galapagos - Santa Cruz

56 fotografií


28 fotografií

Jaipur - street pictures

28 fotografií

Capital Delhi

27 fotografií

NP Sariska

18 fotografií

NP Kanha

57 fotografií

NP Bandhavgarh 2

28 fotografií

NP Bandhavgarh 1

37 fotografií

Zoological / botanical gardens

24 fotografií


22 fotografií

NP Kaziranga

51 fotografií

Amazonia NP Cuyabeňo

49 fotografií

NP Keoladeo Ghana

18 fotografií

North Okawango - Lebala camp

53 fotografií

Central Okawango - Kwara camp

43 fotografií


24 fotografií

South of Great Rift Valley

45 fotografií