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Bigeye Trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus)
Bigeye Trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus)
Bigeye Trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus)
Dark Capped Parrotfish (Scarus oviceps)
Banded Humbug (Dascyllus aruanus)
Indian Ocean Oriental Sweetlips (Plectorhinchus vittatus )
Brown Butterflyfish (Chaetodon collare)
Banded Toby (Paraluteres prionurus)Tetraodontidae - čtverzubcovití
Yellowtail Clownfish (Amphiprion clarki)
Coral Garden
Chinese Trumpetfish (Aulostomus chinensis)
Platygyra daedalea
Checkerboard Wrasse (Halichoeres hortulanus)
Bluebanded Angelfish (Pygoplites diacanthus)
Parrotfish (Thalassoma hardwicke)
Foursaddle Grouper (Epinephelus spilotoceps)
Big Blue Octopus (Octopus cyanea)
Cross-stripe Butterfly (Chaetodon auriga)
Maxima Clam (Tridacna maxima)
Live Shark-sucker (Echeneis naucrates)
Convict Surgeon (Acanthurus triostegus)
Brown Stingray (Himantura jenkinsii)
Bigeye Trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus)
On the beach
Life in the sand
Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)
Pink flower
Coral sea
Hermit crab (Pagurus prideaux)


From Wadi to Wadi

24 fotografií

Muscat - not only Mosques

30 fotografií

Musandam - Life among Rocks

24 fotografií

Photogenic Archipelago

24 fotografií

The world below the surface

41 fotografií

Birding - Raja Ampat

15 fotografií

Kri Island - Sorido Bay Resort

12 fotografií

Birding - Tongkoko

27 fotografií

Tongkoko Nature Reserve

15 fotografií

Market Beriman in Tomohon

13 fotografií

Tomohon and surroundings

15 fotografií

Maleo Sanctuary Tambun

15 fotografií

Birding - Tomohon

15 fotografií

Toraja Funeral Ceremony

30 fotografií

Toraja region

30 fotografií

Toraja Misiliana Hotel

15 fotografií

Lake Tempe

15 fotografií

Karst Area Rammang Rammang

15 fotografií

Paro tshechu

21 fotografií

People in Bhutan

21 fotografií

Pêle-mêle from Bhutan

18 fotografií

Birding - East Bhutan

52 fotografií

Trek to Tiger´s nest

15 fotografií

Sacred buildings

36 fotografií

Memories of the Bhutanese road

27 fotografií

Mountains and valleys

30 fotografií

Birding - central Bhutan

48 fotografií

Bhutan fortresses - Dzongs

15 fotografií

Birding - West Bhutan

30 fotografií

Fly to Paro

15 fotografií